Follow up

In this section you can set parameters that affect position management after it is opened.


StopLoss for all positions in series.

StopLoss size

StopLoss size (in points, as a Volatility Coefficient, or as a Percentage of price).

Set 0 to disable StopLoss.

StopLoss reduce every bar K, Start reducing after bars, StopLoss min size

(starting from v2.53)

Reduces SL size every bar of Signal TF by specified coefficient, starting from bar # Start reducing after bars after the 1st position open.

SL can’t be less than StopLoss min size (points).

For example, with StopLoss reduce every bar K = 0.95 and initial SL = 100 points, on the bar #2 after position open SL will be 100 * 0.95 = 95 points, on the bar #3 – 100 * 0.95 * 0.95 = 90 points, and so on.

Set 0 to disable SL reducing

Initial discussion is here

StopLoss mode

(starting from v2.20)

StopLoss mode:

  • From average open price - SL based on weighted average open price of all positions in the series.
  • From last open price - SL based on the open price of the last position in the series.
  • From first open price - SL based on the open price of the first position in the series.

StopLoss calc mode

StopLoss can be set:

Sum StopLoss in account currency

(starting from v2.23)

Sum StopLoss for all positions (buy + sell) opened by EA in account currency.

For example, if you set Sum StopLoss = 25, EA will close all positions, when sum loss of buy and sell positions will be >= $25.

Set 0 to disable.

Sum StopLoss (% from balance)

(starting from v2.07)

Sum StopLoss for all positions (buy + sell) opened by EA in % from current balance.

For example, if you set Sum StopLoss = 1.5%, and your balance is $1000, EA will close all positions, when sum loss of buy and sell positions will be >= $15.

Set 0 to disable.


(starting from v2.23)

Disables opening new first trades after closing by StopLoss or GlobalStopLoss. Specifies in bars of Signal TimeFrame.

Use virtual StopLoss

(starting from v2.27)

Set true to close trades by market when SL level is reached.

Set false to set the real SL for all orders (if possible).


TakeProfit for all positions in series.

TakeProfit size

TakeProfit size (in points, as a Volatility Coefficient, or as a Percentage of price).

Set 0 to disable TakeProfit.

TakeProfit mode

TakeProfit mode:

  • From average open price - TP based on weighted average open price of all positions in the series (price1lot1 + price2lot2 + priceN*lotN)/(lot1 + lot2 + lotN).
  • From last open price - TP based on the open price of the last position in the series.
  • From first open price (starting from v2.20) - TP based on the open price of the first position in the series.

Spread included. Sells are closed by Ask price. So, only when Ask became <= TP must trigger.

Commission and swap also included.

TakeProfit calc mode

TakeProfit can be set:

Cancel TakeProfit if both buy and sell are open

(starting from v2.55)

Allows to cancel TP if both buy and sell positions are open.

Use this option if you want to close positions by Partial Close, Trailing Stop or any other way.

If one of directions is closed, TP will be set back.

For example, you have buy series with 5 orders, TP is set. Then sell position is opened. TP will be cancelled. Then sell position is closed together with 1 buy order by Partial Close. TP will be set back.

Reduce TP after minutes, Reduce coefficient

(starting from v2.23)

TakeProfit reduce coefficient for all orders. Activates after a certain number of minutes have passed since first order opening.

Reduce TP for every order: Reduce size, Reduce coefficient, Min TakeProfit size

(starting from v2.11)

TakeProfit reduce size and coefficient for every order in series.

If enabled, TP for each next order in the series will be reduced by specified reduce size. This size will be also multiplied by reduce coefficient for each next stage too.

For example, with TakeProfit = 50, reduce size = 10 and reduce coeff = 1.1 you will have the following series:

  • For the 1st deal TP will be = 50 points
  • For 2 deals: 50 - 10 = 40
  • For 3 deals: 50 - 10 - 10 * 1.1 = 29
  • For 4 deals: 50 - 10 - 10 * 1.1 - 10 * 1.1 * 1.1 = 16.9
  • For 5 deals: 50 - 10 - 10 * 1.1 - 10 * 1.1 * 1.1 - 10 * 1.1 * 1.1 * 1.1 = 3.6
  • And so on (-11 for 6 deals, -27.2 for 7 deals)

TakeProfit can’t be less than Min TakeProfit size (points) (what is a “point”?).

For example, if you set Min TakeProfit size = 20, for all deals from the last example, starting from 4th TP will be = 20 (16.9 is less than 20, so will be replaced).

Min TakeProfit size can be negative. So, you can limit it to -5 or -20 points.

Sum TakeProfit (% from balance)

(starting from v2.17)

Sum TakeProfit for all positions (buy + sell) opened by EA in % from current balance.

For example, if you set Sum TakeProfit = 1.5%, and your balance is $1000, EA will close all positions, when sum profit of buy and sell positions will be >= $15.

Set 0 to disable.

Sum TakeProfit (account currency)

(starting from v2.35)

Sum TakeProfit for all positions (buy + sell) opened by EA in account currency.

For example, if you set Sum TakeProfit = 25, EA will close all positions, when sum profit of buy and sell positions will be >= $25.

Set 0 to disable.

Sum TakeProfit works if both buy and sell are open

(starting from v2.35)

Set this parameter to true to activate Sum TakeProfit if both buy and sell trades are opened (it will not work if only one direction is opened).

Min profit to close on signal

(starting from v2.20)

When you select Close in profit only mode for any signal, it will close the series with profit >= X only.

Max profit to close on signal

(starting from v2.52)

When you select Close in profit only mode for any signal, it will close the series with profit <= X only.

Min/max profit calc mode

Min/max profit can be set:

Use virtual TakeProfit

(starting from v2.27)

Set true to close trades by market when TP level is reached.

Set false to set the real TP for all orders (if possible).


(starting from v2.49)

BreakEven after, BreakEven to

If the profit of a series reaches BreakEven after points (what is a “point”?), SL of all positions will be moved to the level “average open price + BreakEven to points” (opposite for sells).

Thus, the series will be closed with profit of BreakEven to points.

BreakEven calc mode

BreakEven can be set:


(starting from v2.54)

BreakEven can be always active or use 1 of 4 predefined periods.

Each of 4 Active periods can be set in the Active Periods for signals and filters section.

BreakEven works only if it is active.


TrailingStop size

Trailing stop size (0 - disabled)

Trailing Step

(starting from v2.16)

Minimal step to move the StopLoss

Start trailing after

Trailing activated after profit = Start trailing after.

If 0, trailing activated after profit = Trailing stop size.

Increase trailing every, Increase size

(starting from v2.45)

If Increase trailing every > 0, Trailing stop size changes by Increase size every Increase trailing every (points or volatilities, see below).

For example, if TrailingStop size = 5.0, Increase every = 2.0 and Increase size = -1.0:

  • if profit <= 7.0, TrailingStop distance = 5.0
  • if profit >= 7.0 and < 9.0, TrailingStop distance = 5.0 + (-1.0) = 4.0
  • if profit >= 9.0 and < 11.0, TrailingStop distance = 5.0 + (-1.0) + (-1.0) = 3.0 and so on…
    As you can see, Increase size can be negative.

Decrease every minutes, Decrease coefficient, Decrease start after minutes

(starting from v2.46)

After Decrease start after minutes after first position open, TrailingStop size increases/decreases by Decrease coefficient every Decrease every minutes.

For example, with Initial Trailing Stop size 50 points:

  • after 30 minutes it will be 50 * 0.9 = 45 points
  • after 35 minutes it will be 50 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 40.5 points
  • after 40 minutes it will be 50 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 36.5 points
  • after 60 minutes it will be 50 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 * 0.9 = 23.9 points

Set Decrease every minutes = 0 to disable this function.

If both Increase trailing every and Decrease every minutes are activated, Increase trailing every is applied first.

Initial discussion is here

Min size, Max size

(starting from v2.46)

If Min/max size is set, TrailingStop size after applying all modificators can’t be less than Min size value and can’t be greater than Max size value.

Set 0 to disable limits.

TrailingStop mode

TrailingStop mode:

  • From average open price - TS based on average open price of all positions in the series;
  • From last open price - TS based on the open price of the last position in the series.
  • From first open price (starting from v2.20) - TS based on the open price of the first position in the series.

TrailingStop calc mode

TrailingStop, TrailingStep, Start trailing after, Increase trailing every and Increase size can be set:


(starting from v2.54)

TrailingStop can be always active or use 1 of 4 predefined periods.

Each of 4 Active periods can be set in the Active Periods for signals and filters section.

TrailingStop works only if it is active.

Disable TrailingStop if both buy and sell are open

(starting from v2.55)

Allows to disable TrailingStop if both buy and sell positions are open. StopLoss that was set before doesn’t change.

Use this option if you want to close positions by Partial Close, close signal or any other way.

If one of directions is closed, TrailingStop will continue to work.